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Real Estate & Asset Management in China | Asia

Investing in real estate in Asia presents challenges that do not exist in the other markets. Property faces the risk of taking damage, tends to deteriorate over time, and often takes a decidedly more complex process to buy and sell.

There are two types of land titles: freehold and leasehold.
Freehold is how one would normally buy property in the United States and much of Europe. You own the property outright and you can pass it on to heirs or sell it as you see fit.

Leasehold property is much like how it sounds. You lease the real estate (along with the land it sits on, if applicable) for a certain period of time.

In Mainland China you can only lease it on a long-term basis, until all rights go to the original owner, often the government. Singapore is by far the market to enter easiest real estate as a foreigner. The property market is transparent, information is easy to find on the Internet, and the city-state has a robust economy where a shortage of land is Likely to drive up prices in the long term.

However, Singapore is also one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world, often putting cities such as New York and London to shame. Furthermore, only condominium units can be bought by most foreigners. If you want to purchase land, you'll need to make an application to the government, along with an even bigger amount of money - usually you tens of millions of dollars.

In Hong Kong all property is "owned" on a leasehold basis until 2047. It's a generally accepted that all leases will be renewed at this time with little hassle.

If you intend to invest into real estate it is mandatory to consult an expert in the certain jurisdiction. You can visit our legal experts section (click here) or check our real estate and asset management companies offer. 

If you are seeking a company in Asia in this industry, do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form that you find in Contact us or sending an email to: Please do not forget to indicate the Industry Referral Code: REAM

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